The Moment That You Left Me My Heart Was Split In Two - Touching Dog Loss Poem

 People make imprints on our life, defining who we become in the same way that a symbol gets pressed into a book page to tell you where it came from. Dogs, man's best friend on the other hand, make paw prints on our lives and hearts that are as unique as fingerprints in every aspect.

We can make sure that whether you are dog lovers or not, this poem about losing a beloved dog will make your heart melt. "The Moment That You Left Me My Heart Was Split In Two", one of the most popular pet dog passing away poems, would be exactly condolence message on death which will help you realize that you don't have to suffer alone.

The Moment That You Left Me My Heart Was Split In Two

The moment that you left me, 
My heart was split in two
One side was filled with memories, 
The other side died with you
I often lay awake at night 
When the world is fast asleep
And take a walk down memory 
Lane with tears upon my cheek
Remembering you is easy, 
I do it every day.
But missing you is a heartache 
That never go away
I hold you tightly within my heart 
And there you will remain
You see life has gone on without you 
But will never be the same

The Moment That You Left Me My Heart Was Split In Two

The Moment That You Left Me My Heart Was Split In Two

Did this poem remind you of your lost dog? Did you feel comforted when reading it? We hope this dog loss poem will find its way into your heart as well so together we can remember and honor those who’ve left us too soon

Here are other owner poems to dog.

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The Text can be customized to give Dog Mom, Cat Mom or Cat Dog.
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  1. i love this poem. #Alldogsgotoheaven <3

  2. Miss my furbaby so much. How can i order it?

  3. The moment that you left me,
    My heart was split in two
    One side was filled with memories,
    The other side died with you
    I often lay awake at night
    When the world is fast asleep
    And take a walk down memory
    Lane with tears upon my cheek
    Remembering you is easy,
    I do it every day.
    But missing you is a heartache
    That never go away
    I hold you tightly within my heart
    And there you will remain
    You see life has gone on without you
    But will never be the same

  4. Made me cry. Miss my babies so much.
